Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

President Trump is trying to have Joe Biden drug tested prior to the presidential debates to verify the former VP is not using drugs to enhance his performance.

In an interview Wednesday, Trump indicated his disbelief that Biden’s abysmal performance throughout the entire Democratic primary season could so abruptly turn around during his March 15 debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders without the aid of performance-enhancing drugs. “Nobody thought that he was even going to win,” Trump stated. 

“I don’t know how he could have been so incompetent in his debate performances and then all of a sudden be okay against Bernie,” he continued. “He wasn’t even coherent. And against Bernie, he was. And we’re calling for a drug test.”

He reasoned that the debate is like a prizefight. “It’s no different from the gladiators, except we have to use our brain and our mouth.”

The President acknowledged that his call for a drug test is based on observation and not actual knowledge of Biden’s activities. “All I can tell you is that I’m pretty good at this stuff,” he stated. “I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I’m asking for a drug test. Both candidates. Me, too.”

Trump acknowledges the possibility of testing actually happening is low. “I don’t know that they’ll let me do it, but I think that they should.” In 2016, he called for a drug test of Hillary Clinton prior to their third debate. Testing did not occur.   

President Trump is eager to spar with Biden. He asked the Commission on Presidential Debates for more than the proposed three and sought to hold the first debate prior to September 29, so early voters would have a chance to witness their first match up. Both requests were denied.

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  1. Biden should be drug tested before the debate. He also should be checked for an ear piece. He was wearing one the other night in his right ear it could be seen. He also uses the signal of pulling on his ear signaling he is in trouble. He also should be requested to have a cognitive test for Senility. This man, Biden, is a walking 80 yr old time bomb and the Dems will do anything to get him alert. He acts like he is going to fall asleep. He’s definitely under the influence of something and it isn’t brains!

      1. I say do both drug tests and taxes on Joe, Hunter and Trump. If you are going to make accusations either put up or shut up.
        I also read some fake news saying Erik Trump was on drugs like cocaine so include him as well. The Democrats have a habit of criticizing Trump, his family and his supporters with no real facts/evidence so let’s see who is doing what. We already know that Hunter has done drugs, was kicked out of the military and the also found a meth pipe in his rental car. So let’s do it and see how the chips fall not just talk bs and fake news for political agendas.

        Proud Veteran & Patriot

        1. Dems criticize Trump and family? Read your response here. You do nothing but criticize Biden and his family. Hypocrite. Your opinion is voided. I’m a proud Republican and Veteran myself and I don’t care for people out there pretending to know what it means to be an honorable American. We need to take back the GOP and make it strong and represent the values that we truly care for. Trump does not represent the GOP. Not one bit.

          1. You’re correct. Trump represents all who care for their country, their lifestyle, their family, their God, and the rule of law. He couldn’t give less of a care about the gop, and neither can I. For the most part, they’re establishment p Ricks who’ve sold us out right along with the jackasses.

          2. What kind of GOP do you want? You want the GOP that talked and did nothing. How about Obamacare since 2010 the GOP was going to repeal it and 2016 they got their chance. Where is it it is, now 2020 ten years of talk and still nothing. You can keep the old GOP and give me president Trumps GOP.

      2. I bet you would, you and your corrupt party spied on President Trump. The dirt Hillary and the Dem National Committee. Paid for and used to spy on the Trump campaign and presidency should put a number of your corrupt comrades in jail. Why don’t you move to Venezuela and you can have Biden’s America.

        1. Trump was IMPEACHED. The spy talk is more lying. More cover up by Trump and supporter. It has NEVER been verified that there was any spying going on. It was verified that TRUMP WAS IMPEACHED. He is a failure. A loud, obnoxious, failure. We need a real voice. A real Republican in the White House. TAKE BACK THE GOP! NO MORE TRUMP!

          1. NO. Trump was NOT IMPEACHED per the Constitution AND per the Congressional Record no matter what illiterate hate filled MSLSD and CommieNewsNetwrok CNN says for nose led libs to parrot blindly.
            The Constitution requires a floor ‘vote of consent’ of the house charge to be recorded by the Senate Floor Recording Secretary be entered in the Senate Log (History).
            Neither happened.
            Impeachment did not happen.
            ZERO facts from the House other than inane screeching and lying by Schiff and Nadler = no case!!
            We don’t need loud illiterate obnoxious posters.
            We need Americans to fight the destruction of this country by the democrat socialist….. by reelecting the most successful President in 60 years… trump.
            Srooo party designations.
            Trump love America
            DemSocialists want to “tear it down”
            Pull the head out… address reality…. whine later.

            Trump 2020

          2. I assume you know being impeached by the House side of Congress is like being indicted by a grand jury. You are not found guilty until the Senate votes and you are not guilty until a court trial shows you are. I also think the party system in this country has way too much power over most candidates and that is why President Trump is not liked by either party…they don’t have total control and that hurts their narrative.

          3. OK he was impeach and it failed. No evidence produced. So what? What about all this fake dossier that started this impeachment and the Mueller investigation? How the FBI handle the whole mess with the FBI out to get Trump?

        1. The Democrats have been trying to get rid of Trump since he won. The IRS has had his taxes all this time, if something was wrong, they’d have charged him by now. Obama had a campaign ad saying, The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth, are those with something to hide. And then he sealed ALL his records. Which just begs the question, What is HE hiding??? Could it be that he was NEVER eligible to be President of the US?

          1. So have REPUBLICANS! Trump is a disaster. We need good, respectable politicians in office. Not liars that sniff their daughters hair and have sex with porn stars.

        2. Every President before Trump have shown the American public their taxes. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Trump has not. You don’t want to know why? He’s above showing his taxes? He’s better than you or Jim or Patty? He’s a citizen just like anyone else and a public servant like every President before him. He is OBLIGATED so that we have proper checks and balances. You know those, right? And if I was President, I would produce mine. If you would like to see my taxes Randy, vote for me.

        1. I make over $400k a year. I am in the 1%. I am a proud Republican and have been for years. All of you people that support Trump need to get ahold of yourselves and look at the facts. Not the made up things that divert you from Trumps issues, but the facts on Trump. He is divisive. A good President brings the country together. We are all divided deep down, but a good President brings us together and helps us to all live in harmony, helps the economy, our image world wide and sets the table for future generations. This president has divided us more than any before him. He doesn’t fix problems. He exacerbates them. He hasn’t helped the Rust Belt. He hasn’t made us stronger overseas. He’s made enemies of previous allies. He has made the environment worse off. He is us and them. Our country is a unique place on this planet. We are many nations in one. We cannot have a leader who doesn’t understand that. You can keep making up lies about the other candidates and lies that attempt to cover what Trump is but the fact is, we are all in pain, we are all in trouble. An AR-15 isn’t going to solve our issues. Military control over our own citizens will not solve our issues. A knee on the neck of our citizens will not solve our problems. Vote for a new America. A good one. I don’t care who you vote for, but Trump doesn’t deserve anyones vote.

          1. You’re full of it. Trump, nearly single handedly, brought us out of the doldrums of obama and his transformational change bs. “What, does Trump have a magic wand?” went hand in hand with his “new normal” and “learn to code” bs. Trump brought jobs back. He had the strongest economic train on the face of the planet until the new world order click and China fragged us with a bio weapon. He forced China to trade fairly, he sat down with rocket man and held peace talks – a FIRST. Our european “allies” were called out for shafting us on paying their share of the Nato bill. Historic peace deals are being carved out in the ME. All of these things (and more) were accomplished with absolutely no help from dimz and rinos, who’ve been gunning for him from day one.

            Need I continue, or do you get it?


      3. Trump’s taxes are nobody’s business! No law says he has to show them to anyone but the IRS! Get a life.

      4. His taxes are hid personal business.
        If that is the case, i want to see Joe Bidens taxes as well and anyone else’s taxes who are questioning Mr Trump’s taxes.


      5. Trump taxes? What for????? Do you think that will negate the fantastic job he has been doing. Negate the promises he has kept.
        You jerk. You are one of them. And your name says you are a REAL RUSSIAN.

      6. If you look at his taxes during the time of his presidency, I think you will find that Trump donated his entire presidential salary to charitable causes. Do you think Biden’s taxes will show comparable donations? Any tax returns, before Trump became president, should not be relevant since he was a private citizen..If life berals search his taxes they will probably find something wrong because, remember, if you looked at a new Rolls Royce, in a showroom, you could easily find at least $5,000 worth of damage.

      7. When Obama’s head of IRS releases them he could open them.
        But you wouldn’t know what you were reading and he is under NO – ZERO – obligation to expose them. NONE per Sumpreme Court.

        1. We know how Trump made is money. How did Biden and Obama make theirs. Obama was had average wealth going into the Presidency now his is a very very wealthy person. How? Also look into Soros connection for the Dems Soros’ nephew is married to Chelsea Clinton. Soros’ sister is married to Pinhead Shiff. Soros’ makes money by defunding governments and he has two sons learning Daddy’s way. To careful who you vote for. More then ever we have so much to lose to the puppet Biden.
          He is soooo easy to manipulate. Poor Joe is being used for obvious reasons.
          A Sciortino

      8. That’s none of anyone’s business but his! If Trumps are made public let’s see Biden’s, his son, pelosi s, Schumer’s, Obama’s, the Clinton’s and a host of others.

    1. I predict they give him a drug to goose him up and it kills him. Judge Jeanine said she thought he would not make it to the election.

  2. VP Biden is not the one who is acting like he is on cocaine, that distinction belongs to Impeached President IQ45.

      1. Only Trumptards believe the “witch hunt” excuse just as “the virus is a hoax perpetuated by the democrats”. Impeached IQ45 is not only the dumbest president the US has ever seen, he is a bully, an alleged sexual predator, an alleged thief who steals from his own foundation, a fake christian, a moron ,a fake reality tv star (he too is a member of the “Hollywood Elite”) which he likes to talk about, and last but not least, he is surrounded by criminals. Instead of draining the swamp, stupid imported a swamp of criminals. How many on his team has been tried and convicted of crimes? Impeached IQ45 is next, so enjoy the shit show know as “The Apprentice: White House Edition”.

        1. Only libertard’s believe every lying word spewed from the leftist’s mouth while watching them scheme, lie, invent fake documents then use them in a fica court to spy on hilarys opposition , Trump.
          The left have nothing to run on, they can’t compete with what Trump has accomplished in his first four years, so all they have is to destroy the economy, use the covid19 virus and use fake information about who has the virus, counting any one who dies when they were not even tested and was counted as infected, to close down the country, kill jobs and the economy.
          The left cant win even when they cheat lol but they still try by cheating with mail in voting that includes dead people’s names being used and making it easier for the illegal’s to vote, don’t believe it? look it up, multi thousands of illegal’s bragged about helping the left by voting.
          The left now push mask’s that fauchi first said might make you feel good, but they dont work, and fearmonger the people to stay home, vote by mail !!

          libertard’s applaud democrap’s while they support the rioters, looters , BLM, Antifa they call them peaceful protesters as they use force, lock a building and set it on fire with people inside, beat and attack any one who dares to support Trump.
          They are scum of the earth as well as the dem’s in congress, democrat Governor’s and Mayor’s encourage them to keep it up.

          1. This country is a DISASTER right now. We have no respect from anywhere in the world but totalitarian regimes. This administration has failed more than ANY other administration in our history. Regardless of political party, every administration before has found a way to work together, to keep peace, to prevent massive amounts of small businesses from shutting down, from mass unemployment, from division, from hatred, from disgust. For better or worse, we were all ONE before Trump. Now we are a nation of separate tribes, all hating each other because THIS ADMINISTRATION sows that hatred. They take no responsibility for anything this country needs. They promote themselves needlessly while we have major issues facing us. They do not address the pandemic. One month it exists, the next they are parading around with no masks. One week this Administration says they are supporting testing and research, the next they are pushing a cure that has not been properly tested or confirmed to help. Rather than putting our best in charge of the science of finding vaccines, rapid tests, countrywide plans for us to work together, he pushes it on Governors only to then pull support and criticize their plans. No matter what you believe about this pandemic, it needs a unified response. We can’t have half the population doing one thing, believing one, while the other does not. I don’t care what party is in charge of the country, I just want them working for ALL of us, not some of us. I want them to promote PEACE, not divisiveness. Real strength, not fear based reaction to imaginary forces. We act strong, but we are weak. Guns don’t make us strong. Talking does not make us strong. Saying we are strong, wealthy, successful and winners does not make us any of those things. In any other time, all of us would rise up and throw this person out of the Government based on the foul words he speaks, how he disrespects so many, how he is unprepared and unfit for the job. We’ve thrown out many politicians for a fraction of his behavior. We need REAL strength, REAL intelligence and REAL government cohesiveness. Trump can’t bring us together. He doesn’t want to. He’s worse than a looter. He’s destroying this country because of his inner hatred for all who oppose him. Just like every leader that could not lead before him, he must exit. Let’s find a new strong leader for all of us. It’s not Trump.

          2. You need desperately to get your head out of your ass. Everything about the state of affairs of this country is true. with the glaring exception that it is the demoncrapic congress that has attempted to hold up everything this president has tried to do. The current democratic party should be renamed THE NATION OBSTRUCTIONIST PARTY. They are the ones who brought this plague to our country. They think the collateral deaths are reasonable for ATEMPTING to overthrow t he e current administration.

          3. The Democrats and the media has been against Trump from the beginning. Tell what did Obama & Biden do when they had a majority in the House and Senate for two years. They could have passed everything. Make 20 million illegals legal, passed Medicare for all, eliminated all college debt, stopped deporting illegals & stopped placing children in cages. They DID NOTHING, NOTHING. You think they’ll do something now, no. And when they don’t again, you’ll go on your merry way and vote them in again. Trump at least has done something Democrats are like sheep to a slaughter- never learn.

          4. in the past past, they have worked “semi” together because so many on both sides are corrupt greedy politicians who are part of the swamp. Trump is not a lifelong corrupt politician so they are doing their best to take him down so they don’t continue to get exposed for the disgusting people they are. We all know that and so do you.

          5. You really are a Karen who sucks up to the lying Trump A**Hole and believes everything about him. Enjoy hell because when your time comes, you are going there because of your belief in the Devil Trump.

        2. And you Bidetards want a candidate with actual dementia, who “fingers” women and children, and is actually an excommunicated Catholic. What a hypocrite you are.

          1. Reagan was a true patriot. The dementia came later than his presidency. When he got the diagnosis of dementia, he addressed the American people because he was a straight up guy and a great president and did while he still could do so articulatley. He didn’t try to fool the American people and didn’t try to cover it up, as Biden is clearly doing. .

          2. Not until late in his second term. And even then, he could actually hold an intelligent and cogent conversation. You’re grasping at straws, bud. And it’s showing.

        3. Sorry dickwadd, but you have been spouting the very facts about Biden you are accusing OUR PRESIDENT of. Biden is the crook, he and his Chinese asset son. The whole demoncrapic congress needs to be imprisoned!

        4. You fucking idiot. Where do yo get your facts from, a cereal box. You obviously not a vet. So shove this in your pipe as being former military, if I’d done a percentage of what Obama and Hillary did I’d be in jail. The fucking crooks are the entire Obama administration. Wake up DICK. You don’t know what your talking about. And I’ll bet you have never put yourself in harms way to defend our country and the rights that you have today. HILLARY AND BARRACK should be in prison.

        5. What a tard. Biden has done nothing but place blacks in prison and then has the gall to ask for their vote. He has been in Washington for almost 50 years and what has he done other than get rich. Obama’s staff called him Mr. MaGoo. Now that’s telling of Biden. He even shuffles like McGoo.

    1. I’ll Bet you wouldn’t test your brains against the greatest president since Washington! Solid bone doesn’t test well against Donald Trump. Tell you what-come back on this forum post election and repeat those words Aunt Jemima Joe.

    2. Are you sure? Did Trump talk about black kids bouncing on his lap (he knows about roaches) and stroking his blond leg hair? Or maybe that Trump “can’t tell the difference between a lion and an elephant.”? Biden is so scared of taking the Montreal that when a black reporter asked if he would, he replied if the reporter would whether “you’re taking cocaine or not” before the interview. “What do you think, huh?” the failed vice president said. “Are you a junkie?”

      And let’s not forget it was Bidet who ACTUALLY performed quid pro quo to keep Ukraine from getting military aid until they fired the prosecutor looking into his son’s Russian corruption. He should have been impeached. They just failed with Trump– and so have you.

    3. you really do look foolish when you are incapable of quality comments. And when you don’t support your accusations it’s just considered BS.

  3. Hell I think they should test ever member of Congress before each session and after each session to insure they are competent to be in elected office and have
    the mentali facilities to make an actual vote on the subject matter. I would bet
    that Obama could not have passed the drug test while he was in ofI have see
    would be in doubt as far back as clinton and his famous “Cigars”.

    1. Why is it that if you work on any military base you must undergo a rigorous written test, a drug test and police background test and be spot checked randomly! The last nuclear power plant I worked on at Calvert’s Cliff. Maryland they sniff tested every construction contractor worker when you came in every morning. That’s right, sports fans-you had to lean forward and blow your rotten breath in the guard’s face while he sniffed your breath after he stared into your eyes for dilated pupils. Why not every government worker and politician?

  4. OBVIOUSLY Biden is under the influence of some sort of stimulant: meth or benzedrine. Also phenobarbital.. Just look at his pupils!!

  5. Under the circumstances it should be mandatory for testing. We have to be tested so what is the problem with our representatives being tested. What is good for the people must be good for the bureaucrats.

  6. Biden is probably not smart enough to realize this but President Trump’s demand that Biden be drug tested is a verbal backhanded slap in the face. It reduces Biden to the level of nothing more than a race horse. It is brilliant on Trump’s part because it questions Biden’s mental abilities in implying he needs drugs to mentally perform. Perhaps Biden is using Prevagen and needs daily doses to function. If so we need to find out now before this doddering old fool goes any further.

  7. Hell yeah, especially kameltoe hairyasshole! That junkie commie wh0re should be in prison with a life sentence!

  8. You can be sure that the Election Debate Commission is stacked with Democrats. Or may the Republicans are “NEVER TRUMPERS’>

  9. Let Joe take all the drugs he wants! Is there one that will work? I doubt it.
    I can’t wait for the Trump/ Biden debate ! Also the Pence/Harris debate!
    Both should be the funniest show EVER!

  10. Remember these statements…it is legal for persons running for office to lie to you. It is legal for a government employee to lie to you BUT not for you to lie to them. With that in mind, why does the Biden camp not want him to debate if he is mentally and physically fit as claimed?

  11. If the presidential debates actually do happen, they should be monitored by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, John B Wells, Dane Wigington or Mike Adams. In the past the debates have been “monitored” by the communist corporate press’ attack dogs who did their best to demonize republicans.

  12. Moderators should write their questions down and throw them in a hat. Each question should be suitable for either candidate to answer or for both to answer.

  13. Also, make sure that Biden has no electronic device in his ear. Even hearing aids can be sent signals from elsewhere. Please make sure that Bided answers any questions himself, not some surrogate in another room!

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