Gurugu via Wikimedia Commons

A political action committee aligned with the Democratic Party and headed by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal is preparing to go on the offensive.

McChrystal is poised to launch an online campaign driven by AI technology to combat social media posts about President Trump in a way that benefits Joe Biden. DARPA, the Pentagon’s secretive research arm, initially invested in this technology as a means to fight ISIS propaganda on the web. (Fox News)

The Washington Post first reported that the initiative, called Defeat Disinfo, will utilize “artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of the president’s claims on social media,” and then attempt to “intervene” by “identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country — in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president.”

Social media guru Curtis Hougland is heading up Defeat Disinfo, and he received the funding from DARPA when his program was “part of an effort to combat extremism overseas.” He explained in an interview with the Post that he was unhappy that top social media accounts often supported Trump, and had effectively defended the president in recent days from claims that he had suggested Americans inject themselves with disinfectant.

The effort raised the question of whether taxpayer funds were being repurposed for political means, and whether social media platforms have rules in place that could stymie Hougland’s efforts — if he plays along.

A spokesperson for Facebook told Fox News that “our policies require creators and publishers to tag business partners in their branded content posts when there’s an exchange of value between a creator or publisher and a business partner.”

HELP Expose the TRUTH About Creepy Joe Biden


  1. Guess this is the time that Trump’s ‘less than ten’ that surround him bring out the howitzers nonstop of the General’s life of sedition and acrimony and insurrection and treason.

    1. I was reading up on him. I thought I remembered a sex scandal with a relationship with some woman. That is gone. Now all that is left is a reminder that this leftist general covered up the murder of Pat Tillman. That says a lot. NO MORALITY. NO ETHICS. And now he wants to start and head an attack against Trump who has been the best friend the military has ever had.
      Remember. McChrystal WAS and IS a puppet for Obama. And yes, Obama should have taken responsibility for the torture of combatants. But Obama did not take responsibility for any of the thousands of evil and wrong things he did.
      God will judge Obama since apparently Barr won’t bring charges.
      And McChrystal will soon be an advisor for one of Soros or Steyer or Bloomberg’s companies. This is the way of corrupt people.

      1. A disgrace to America remember pat Tillman this was the guy who tried to cover it up the friendly fire killing of pat Tillman he should have lost his command many years ago
        That says it all about this guy check his military record and the complaints against him

        1. Don’t forget DemNitwits not only own the major Information companies , Media, social Media but also every spot in Media is practically either served in Clinton/Obama administrations or have a spouse who did! It is a vicious decades established SMEAR MACHINE feasting on clueless who swallow anything they are fed ! I don’t think anyone who was running for office in 2016 would be able to withstand relentless 24/7 attacks , zillions lies created overnight and populated in the morning better than President Trump! And yes, Republicans try yo be civil knowing too well who they are sealing with-however I have to admit with Trump as a commander they had been to stick together better than EVER BEFORE!!!

      2. He won’t be anything IF Barr gets his fat rear end in gear and starts indicting (RIGHTFULLY) all those deserved of a hanging at best and 30 years in GITMO at the very least.

        1. Maybe. But McChrystal has shown his character. He mean-mouthed Biden and Obama and got fired. Now I guess he is trying to get back in with the communists/Democrats by organizing against Trump. So what did Trump ever do to McChrystal?

      3. When are we going to go after the traitors who will use any government money they can reach to take down America. I fear that the only thing that will stop them is revolution.


  3. This should not be allowed on our dime. This General should step aside. The Democrats have lowered politics to the point that people now recognize that they will do anything to hurt this President and believe me the people recognize how wrong they are.

    1. It’s NOT your dime, unless you also consider that DARPA also “invented” the Internet. These were turned over to the public (the Internet now belongs to the UN because it was given to them).

    2. All they do is cheat. Anyway they can cheat to get rid of Trump. Ive never seen anything like this. Is there a way we can tell on FB or Twitter when they start doing this? They’re not paying me to get people to vote for Biden. They should be arrested for doing this. It has to be some kind of criminal act.

  4. So if the progrm is to identify wrong information and post the correct information, then how could that be a bad thing in any way. Now we know that since Trump has taken office he has put out verbally on live TV or in tweets over 8000 outright untruths about the subjuects in the conversation. Now why would anyone want lies or twisted truths to be the major thing in an election. Now we hear enough of that from the candidates who promise us the World and only deliver a spoon full of sand in most cases.
    Now everyone knows that Trump lies about everything even the church leaders say that but he gets the things they want done accomplished, so they hold their remarks about him to a minimum.

    1. Dimwits Brainwashed by Pravda and the Death to America communists aka DNC, Believe the lies extolled by same then claim Trump is lying because his statements do not jib with the lies and hate put out by the commie propagandists. Very circular logic. Trump is lying because his statements do not support DNC communist propaganda

      1. You sir are spot on & 100% correct. The democrats would not recognize the truth if it bit them in the ass.

    2. You’re clearly anti-Trump, does that mean you’re also anti-communist and anti-Globalist. Or, would you prefer the United Nations take-over the role of leadership for the government of the United States by having them implement Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030. You are either a fool of biblical proportions or you yourself are anti-American in every sense and meaning of the word.
      Our nation is in serious trouble all thanks to the deep-state minions who assault our liberties and freedoms at every turn. You sound like you’re part of the madness. Doesn’t surprise me at all.

      1. Being anti-Trumo has nothing to do with being anti-communist an antiGlobalists. I am against communists, like deBladio and Bernie Sanders.
        As to what is going on now, Laura Ingraham nailed it. She has a video out that compares the flu and the corona. It also states that there is MUCH MORE in play than slowing down the infection OR flattening the curve.
        IT IS ABOUT DESTROYING OUR ECONOMY so they can win in November.

    3. I challenge you. You of the vile traitorous left. Name FIVE of those 8000 untruths that you claim Trump has said. i notice that you did not call them LIES, since a huge portion of them are just differences of OPINION between a man who loves his country and a bunch of perverted traitors who refuse to accept the results of an election This is the FIRST time in the history of the country that a party has done such. They have done nothing but attack. And lose. And what has it gotten them????? See how they won the IMPEACHMENT???/ The biggedt joke in history. Bill Clinton DID lie to investigators and as such should have been fond guilty. What they accused Trump of was not even a misdemeanor. LOL

        1. You only hear crickets because that’s all the leftist’s have between
          their ears! No brains to think rationally with! I am of the opinion that
          Trump and his supporters have more brains in their butts than lefties
          have in their whole bodies!!
          I suggest moving to China because then you will be with people
          that have intellects on par with the Demorats and you can all talk over how bright you are while you turn you’re back on America!

    4. How can anyone be this stupid? If it weren’t for the trappings of civilization, people like you would be animal food.

    5. How can anyone be this stupid? If it weren’t for the trappings of civilization (your Mommy’s basement), people like you would be animal food.

    1. Tom
      Now Gen. Stanley McChrystal has always been a strait from te hip person about everything and like nearly every Military officer, we all hated liars which in some cases we had to put up with them because we had no choice. Now that is exactly why most Military officer I confer with do not like Trump in any way, even though most are Republican registered. Now when Trump started saying that our military was weak, even though the military was not, it gave our enemies favor, and when Trump interferred in an offical Courts Martial and military courts procedure, that also pissed most of the military off and then when Trump had the Captain of the Roosevelt removed, a Sec of Defence would not do that on his own, because he knows nothing about the military, and would only act when encouraged by the President or that at least is the way the military in my area look at it, and I am close to 5 military bases covering all but the Coast Guard.

      1. You lie so easily. Show where Trump fired the stupid Captain of the Reosevelt. YOU CAN’T. When Trump took over from the muslim president, Obama had destroyed our military. Do you remember him FIRING 206 HIGH RANKING OFFICERS for the offense of not taking an oath against American citizens. I DO.
        You want to lie and say the military are against Trump. That is because Trump gave them their first pay increase in a decade. YOU LIE AS BADLY AS AOC. Pathetic loser.
        Let me guess. You are a college kid making extra money from soros.

      2. Robert said: “Now that is exactly why most Military officer I confer with do not like Trump in any way.” Note he said “most Military officer (singular).” Well, sure, I guess if you tried hard enough, you could possibly find one military officer who doesn’t like Trump. And since that’s the only one you conferred with, I guess it’s not ‘technically’ a lie to say “most” you confer with don’t like Trump. But even though it’s not ‘technically’ a lie. The message is deceitful at its core.
        -Jonathan (retired US Navy officer; Trump supporter; with many, many friends who are Navy officer’s who also support Trump).

        1. You and A.D. are right on. Obozo and crew decimated the military and Trump”s brought it back. Robert’s childish rantings shows he knows nothing about it. If he even served it had to have been in some back office somewhere instead of the front lines.

      3. Robert, you must have been the Captain of the Good Ship Lollipop. I bet you wanted obama to be your first mate. Who are the monkeys that you confer with and I bet they were backers of that loser, McCain, who tried to bring down our President Trump. You belch bad socialist gas, reek it somewhere else with your probable hero, Schifhead Schiff.

    2. Exactly, follow the money/paper trail to its origin (either Soros or DNC) and cancel their check(s). One reason for McChrystal doing this is because The Trumpster kicked him off the Washington D.C. Gravy Train with the famous two word phrase – “You’re Fired”…!

  5. Get REAL

    Bet you can’t & haven’t & will not be able to come up with just one lie that President Trump HAS told

  6. I’m sick and tired of so many organizations trying to protect me from “disinfo”. This is a violation of my First Amendment Rights, because what a Democrat thinks is “disinto” is not necessarily “disinfo” to me. This is not their Right, they don’t have the authority to do it and it infringes on my Rights. I’ve seen too many examples of someone trying to “judge” what I say is exceptable. Facebook, Google, Twitter, and now PACs are picking and choosing what they think is acceptable for me to say or read. DO WE HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH OR NOT!!!!

    Note: McChrystal couldn’t control his own mouth, but he had the Right to use it as he saw fit. “Obama said bluntly that Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s scornful remarks about administration officials represent conduct that “undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system.”

  7. I would welcome this approach if it was also used against the Biden campaign as well, because 10:1 it would backfire on Biden supporters as there is no defense for the things at actually come out of his mouth coherently. Let’s take for instance the charge that Trump is xenophobic because he wanted to shutdown travel between China and the US in late January 2020. Would AI confirm that to be xenophobic? Would AI find that to delay the travel ban would have cost lives as Biden had suggested doing? Its great when you can harness technology, it is another thing to wield technology without its intended purpose but for your own benefit. There is no defending Biden’s policies much less the incoherent babble that comes out of his mouth.

  8. To bad for People like the General who do not realize that its President Trump who has been trying to help the Military and get them back to where they use to be and when you look at the years this dirt bag put in under Obama you can see why he is doing what he is His thing is to bring down the P,T and I am sure that someone like Obama or Soros is paying him to do what he is, Nothing ever comes cheap with these idiots that sourrounded Obama and his goons and some how some way These people are all going to wind up behind bars

    1. Rusty Britches
      Maybe Trump shpould not lie so much something Military offers hate to the highest of degree.
      Now when Trump said the Military was a disgrsace and weak because Obama had neglected the military, maybe you should looka the amount of money given each year to the military by the Obama Administration, and today they are no stronger or well equipted thqan under Obama. Anything coming out now that the military gets was planned at minimum 3 years before Obama left office. Procurement wexcept for repair parts takes 5 to 7 years at minimum, now as a retired USA military officer who is retired with in a few hours drive of 5 major military installations involving all branches but the Coast Guard, I can assure you the military of today has little rregard for Trump in any way, and few have anything good to say abiout him except he lies and interfers into everything he should let the experts deal with and keep his mouth shut.

      1. Hey, putz. You can’t assure us of anything. With the way you write, I have no assurance you’ve even been to college let alone are a retired USAF officer. News flash: You don’t speak for “the US military.” There’s no way you can assure anyone the ‘military of today has little regard for Trump.’ At best, you can only assure people that the leftist crowd of four that you run with have little regard for Trump. Living within a few hours of major military installations doesn’t mean you know squat about the political beliefs of the individuals on those installations. It just means you live near military installations. And your ‘knowledge’ about the procurement and contracting process is also flawed. Did you retire, (if that’s even true), or were you forced out for dishonorable conduct (you know, telling lies, spreading disinformation, general incompetence)? I am a former US Navy officer, and currently an engineering leader with a major defense contractor. I interface with ‘today’s military’ on a regular basis. I haven’t met a single one yet that has no regard for Trump. Spread your own lies somewhere else.

  9. Obama fired this General, not President Trump. He seems a bit confused about responsibility.

  10. Robert, You better check on a few others who lies. Biden is full of lies . I will bet you voted for Obama who lied from day one and robbed the American people out of billions, spending money he never got approval for. They all lie, but who is doing more for the American people–President Trump.

  11. I see we still have total idiots out there who don’t have any idea of how corrupt Biden is and a total lier on top of that. he is a thief and that’s all he has ever been and will ever be. Never worked a single day in his life, pile of crap has more class than this crep.

  12. Just when I thought the Democrap party had done its worst, they pull this crap. Paying people to disrupt a legal election, by a disgraced General is the most despicable thing, they have done to date. The worst thing they have done is get in bed with the Chinese during the Wuhan Virus.
    Our country does not want to become a communist entity, when are they going to learn this. We need a political second party, that is mot willing to destroy the constitution, of this country.
    The Democrat party does not meet this mandate.

  13. I, too, would like to know of the lies that people are saying that Trump has told. Just one?
    I also would like to know if Barack Obama(Barry Sotero) is a natural US citizen, then why would you enter the USA as a foreign student. Those documents are sealed. When you do enter the USA as a foreign student, you have to claim your country of birth and citizenship. Gee, no suspicions there?

  14. I worked for General McCrystal when he was the Commander of the Joint Special Operations Command. He treated his subordinates fairly, but if this is true, then I have lost my respect for him.

  15. This is reminiscent of the 1953 novel “FARENHEIT 405” by Ray Bradbury -only electronic in today’s internet world. It paints a picture of a future where free thought is discouraged and books are illegal and any that remain are burned by firemen.

  16. There has got to be more to this story. Something is missing here. I’ve always thought General McCrystal, a patriot. I do not believe he would willingly set out to work against a Commander in Chief. I might be wrong, and if I am, I will be deeply disappointed in the General.

  17. McChrystal Is the true traitor, not General Flynn! He should be arrested and executed immediately!!!!

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